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Markers & Bands


Optimization ExampleClick to play Antenna Optimization
Watch this video on YouTube

Optimization for non-50Ω sourceClick to play Optimization for non 50 ohm
Watch this video on YouTube

Active MatchingClick to play Active Matching
Watch this video on YouTube


LATEST RELEASE: BetaMatch version 3.4.0 - Get it here!


Save and Export Data

Data can be exported from BetaMatch in various ways and many of them are accessed from the File Menu:


Save data with network as 1-port Touchstone:

Saves the active trace as an S1P-file. Note that the matching network and electrical delay will be included in the output results.

Command: File Menu –> Save data with network as 1-port Touchstone

If you want to save the trace as it is, i.e. without any matching, reset the matching network and make sure that all components are either set as ‘Short’ or ‘Open’ and that the electrical delay is set to 0 ps.

Save network as 2-port Touchstone

The current matching network will be exported as a 2-port Touchstone file (S2P-file).

Command: File Menu –> Save network as 2-port Touchstone:

This file can later be used to e.g. import the actual network data into third-party antenna simulation software.

Export data to table:

Create a data file in table form from the current data trace.

Command: File Menu –> Export data to table:

The active trace will be written as a two column text file with frequency in the first column and the selected data from the sub-menu below (e.g. Log|S11|) written in the second column:


Batch Export Data

This tool creates a set of files with tabular data from a directory that contains 1-port and 2-port Touchstone files. One output file will be created for every input file.

Command: Tools Menu –> Batch Export Data


For example, you may have a folder with 1-port Touchstone files (extension S1P). These files could for instance have been generated from production testing or by a parametric sweep study in a simulation program. The Batch Export Data tool could then be used to generate files with frequency versus Log |S11| or some other entity for each file in the input folder. The resulting output files can for example be used to plot statistics or for other post-processing.

The output data can be any of:

  • |S11| as Log (dB) or Linear (%)
  • VSWR
  • Accepted Power as Log (dB) or Linear (%)
  • Intrinsic Bandwidth as Log (dB) or Linear (%)
  • Bandwidth Potential as Log (dB) or Linear (%)

Each created file will be stored in the destination directory (which can be the same as the source directory) and have the same filename as the corresponding source file but the extension will be changed to ‘.txt’.

The files will have two columns: The first column is frequency in Hz and the second column is the computed value. The columns will be separated by spaces and evenly formatted.


  1. Open the tool from Tools -> Batch Export Data:

  2. Select type of data to generate from the choice-box:

  3. Select folder where the source files reside

  4. Select destination folder (this is where the newly created files will go).

  5. If there are any 2-port files (extension “s2p”) select how they should be handled. There are options to:

  • Skip all 2-port files

  • Generate separate files for port 1 and/or port 2 (the suffix ‘-s11’ and ‘-s22’ will be appended to the filenames to indicate which port was used for the calculation).

  • There is also the possibility to generate one file with 3 columns: frequency and data for S11 followed by data for S22 for every 2-port file.


6. Finally press the Create Datafiles button to start the processing. The number of files created will be updated in the text window to the right of the button.